Baby's Breath

In September 2015, I organized a team in the MIT Respiration Hackathon. Our team developed Baby's Breath, a video-only monitoring system that successfully tracks breathing by identifying sub-pixel motion from frame-to-frame. Our project provides a low-cost pathway for ubiquitous monitoring of child respiration, aimed to help children with asthma, sleep apnea, and seizures. We placed 2nd of 14 teams (winning $2000) and won a nomination for the Patients' Choice Award.

Astronomy Outreach

As part of the School for Scientific Thought, I designed and taught a five-week course for high-school students in the fall of 2011: Studying the Symphony of Waves: the Physics of Music and the Music of Physics. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in obtaining some of these lectures and demonstrations.

I've also helped to train instructors and teach sessions for the Family Ultimate Science Exploration, which presents fundamental scientific principles to underrepresented middle-school students and their families. 

More recently, I've participated in a wonderful program at the CfA, Astronomy for Everyone, a neuro-diversity workshop for high school students with dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders.

Remote Sensing and Rangeland Ecology

I have worked intermittently to develop software applications to aid in a variety of tasks for ecological monitoring and analysis. These have included tools to assess vegetative cover from photographs (VegMeasure 2), to identify pests quickly and inexpensively via remote sensing for developing countries (Sunn Pest Monitor), and to predict and track landscape suitability for both plants and animals based upon non-linear combinations of GIS data layers (the KRESS Modeler).